If you need corrective lenses to see properly and you have worn glasses most of your life, you may be interested in switching to contact lenses. If you live in or around Cypress, CA, contact Dr. Regine Smet O.D. to schedule an appointment to begin the process of getting new contact lenses. Our optometrist will provide a thorough eye examination and determine if contact lenses are right for you. If they are, we can help you throughout the process to make sure that you choose the correct brand that fits your lifestyle.
Background Information
Before our optometrist can perform a contact lens examination, you will need to fill out some paperwork about your current health. Make sure to write down any problems you’ve recently had with your vision so our optometrist can check into these issues in detail. If you have vision insurance, bring along your provider’s card so we can process your information for payment without delay.
Checking for Eye Problems
During your eye care appointment, we will check your eyes for any issues that would require intervention. This is done with a series of tests using state-of-the-art equipment in our office. Each test only takes a few moments to perform and none of them are invasive. If your pupils need to be dilated to check for additional eye health issues, be sure to bring someone along for your appointment as you will need a ride home after the procedure since the eye drops will cause temporary blurred vision. If any issues are found, our optometrist will discuss your options for treating them as needed. Our eye doctor will also let you know if any medical issues will prevent switching to contact lenses.
Prescription and Contact Lens Size
During a contact lens appointment, we will need to measure the circumference of each of your irises. This will ensure the lenses you are provided will not slide out of place once they have been inserted into your eyes. We will then conduct a routine vision screening using eye charts to determine your prescription strength. We will present you with a trial pair of contact lenses for you to try on in our office. If you need assistance placing them in your eyes, our eye doctor will give you advice about doing this safely. We will also provide lessons on removing them if needed. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to check on your eyes after wearing your new lenses for a few weeks.